Things Theological - Saints with patronages

Patronages with Saints

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abandoned children Ivo Kermartin, Jerome Emiliani
abuse victims Louise de Marillac
academics Thomas Aquinas
accountants Matthew
active life Martha
actors Genesius of Rome, Vitus
actresses Pelegia
adopted children Clotilda (Chloe), Thomas More
advertising Bernadine of Siena
Africa Moses the Black
African-Americans Benedict the Black, Peter Claver
African Catholic Youth Action Charles Lwanga
against appendicitis Elmo/Erasmus
against bacterial diseases Agrippina
against bad luck/misfortune Agricola of Avignon
against bad weather Eurosia
against bowel disease Bonaventura
against breast cancer Agatha
against broken bones Stanislaus Kostka
against burglary Leonard
against childhood illnesses Aldegonda, Pharadilis
against chills Placid
against cold weather Sebald
against colds Maurus
against coughs Quentin, Walburga
against cramps Pancras
against diabolic possession Bruno, Dymphna, Quirinus
against disasters Genevieve
against dizziness Avertinus
against divorce Fabioloa
against dog bites Vitus, Walburga
against drought Godberta, Solange, Swithin
against earaches Cornelius, Polycarp
against earthquakes Emygdius, Francis Borgia, Gregory the Wonderworker, Rose of Lima
against epidemics Godberta
against epilepsy Vitus
against evil spirits Agrippina
against exposure Valerian
against eye problems Felix of Nola, Herve, Lucy
against fainting Valentine
against famine Domitian, Walburga
against floods Florian, Gregory the Wonderworker
against foot troubles Servatius, Victor of Marseilles
against foxes Herve
against freezing weather Valerian
against gallstones Albinus
against gambling Bernadine of Siena
against hailstorms Ansovinus
against hangings Colman
against hangovers Bibliana
against headaches Avertinus, Denis, Hildegard of Bingen, Teresa de Jesus, (Avila) -
against heart attacks Teresa de Jesus, (Avila)-
against hemorrhaging Lucy, Rita of Cascia
against hemorrhoids Fiacre
against housefires Florian-
against impotence Gummarus
against infidelity Fabioloa, Gengulphus, Monica
against injuries Adelonga
against insanity Fillian
against intestinal disorders Bonaventura, Elmo/Erasmus
against jealousy Elizabeth of Portugal, Hedwig
against kidney disease Albinus, Margaret of Antioch
against lies Felix of Nola
against lightning Magnus of Fussen, Thomas Aquinas Vitus
against misfortune Agricola of Avignon
against miscarriages Bridget of Sweden, Catherine of Sweden, Dorothy of Montau
against nightmares Christopher
against obsession Quirinius
against oversleeping Vitus
against pain Madron
against perjury Pancras
against plague Agricola of Avignon, Cuthbert, Francis Xavier, Genevieve, Roche, Walburga
against physical abuse Fabioloa, Pharadilis
against poisoning Benedict of Nursia
against poverty Macrina the Elder, Regina
against rats Gerturde of Nivelles, Servatius-
against seasickness Elmo/Erasmus
against shipwrecks Anthony of Padua
against skin diseases Peregrine Laziosi, Winifried
against slander John Nepomecene
against snake bites Hilary of Poitiers, Paul
against snakes Hilary of Poitiers
against spasms John the Baptist
against sterility Henry II, Margaret of Antioch ,Theobald Roggeri
against starvation Anthony of Padua
against stomach problems Brice, Wolfgang
against syphilis Fiacre
against thunderstorms Agrippina, Henry of Uppsala, Thomas Aquinas, Vitus
against toothache Appollonia, Drogo, Medard
against vermin Magnus of Fussen, Servatius
against volcanic eruptions Agatha, Januarius
against witchcraft Benedict of Nursia
against wolves Herve
agricultural workers Isidore the farmer Notburga, Phocas
AIDS victims Aloysius Gonzaga, Peregrine Laziosi, Roch, Teresa of Liseux
AL-Anon Monica
alcoholics John of God, Matthew Talbot, Monica
Alsace Odilia
altar servers John Berchemans, Tarsicius-
Alexandria Cyril of Alexandria
amputees Anthony the Great/Abbot
anesthetists Rene Groupil
anesthesiologists Rene Groupil
angina sufferers Swithbert
animals Francis of Assisi
apologists Catherine of Alexander, Justin Martyr, Thomas Aquinas
apoplexy Andrew Avellino
apple orchards Charles Borromeo
apprentices John Bosco
archaeology Damasus, Helen, Jerome
archers Sebastian
architects Barbara, Thomas the Apostle
Armagh Oliver Plunkett
Armenia Bartholomew, Gregory the Illuminator
armorers Dunstan
aromatherapists Mary Magdelene
art Fra Angelico, Catherine of Bologna, Luke
art dealers John
arthritis sufferers James the Greater
artillery men Barbara
artists Fra Angelico, Catherine of Bologna, Claudio Granzotto, John of Fiesole, Luke
Asia Minor John
astronauts Joseph of Cupertino
astronomers Dominic Guzman
athletes Sebastian
Austria Colman
authors Francis de Sales
aviators Joseph of Cupertino, Teresa of Liseux

babies Nicholas of Torentino, Phillip of Zell, Philomena,Vaast, Zeno
bachelors Benedict Joseph Labre, Christopher, Panteleon, Theobald
bakers Elizabeth of Hungary, Honore/Honortus of Amiens
Bamberg Henry
bankers Bernardino of Feltre, Matthew
baptisms John the Baptist
bartenders Amand
barbers Cosmos and Damian, Pierre Toussaint
barge workers John Roche ( Neele)-
baristas Drogo
barren women Anthony of Padua, Felicity
Basel Henry
basket weavers Anthony the Great/Abbot
Bavaria Hedwig, Sebald
beekeepers Ambrose, Bernard of Clairvaux, Valentine
beggars Alexius, Alexis, Benedict Joseph Labre, Giles,
Belgium Joseph
belt makers Alexius, Alexis
Bible scholars Jerome
bikers Columbanus
birds Gall
blackbirds Kevin
blacksmiths Dunstan
blind Odilia, Archangel Raphael
blood banks Januarius
boatmen Brendan the Navigator, Cuthbert, Julian the Hospitaller
Bohemia John Nepomecene, Ludmilla, Wenceslaus
Bolivia Francis Solano
bookkeepers Matthew
bookmakers Columba
booksellers John of God, Thomas Aquinas
Borneo Francis Xavier
boy scouts George, Archangel Michael
Brazil Peter of Alacantara
breast cancer victims Agatha
brewers Amand, Arnulf of Soissons, Augustine of Hippo, Boniface, Luke, Nicholas, Wenceslaus
bricklayers Stephen
brides Dorthea, Elizabeth of Portugal, Hedwig, Nicholas of Myra
bridges John Nepomecene
British Virgin Islands Ursula
broadcasters, any media Archangel Gabriel
brush makers Anthony the Great/Abbot
builders Barbara, Stephen, Vincent Ferrar
Bulgaria Cyril and Methodius
bus drivers Christopher
businessmen Homobonus
businesswomen Margaret Clitherow
butchers Bartholomew, Luke

C-sections Raymond Nonnatus
cab drivers Fiacre
cabinet makers Anne, Anna
Canada Anne, Joseph
cancer victims Bernard of Clairvaux, Peregrine Laziosi
candle makers Ambrose, Bernard of Clairvaux
canonists Ivo of Kermartin, Raymond of Penaforte, Robert Bellarmine
carnival workers Julian the Hospitaller
carpenters Joseph
CCD John Leonardi
catechists Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine, Viator
Catholic action Francis of Assisi, Gabriel Francis Possenti, Paul
Catholic press Francis de Sales
cats Gerturde of Nivelles
cattle Cornelius
cavalrymen George, Martin of Tours
Central America Rose of Lima
chandlers Ambrose, Bernard of Clairvaux
chaplains John of Capistrano
charitable foundations Elizabeth of Hungary, Vincent de Paul
Charleston John the Baptist
child abuse victims Alodia
childbirth Gerard Majella, Margaret of Antioch, Raymond Nonnatus
childhood deaths Clotilda (Chloe) Felicity, Francis of Rome, Hedwig, Isidore the Farmer
childlessness Henry
children Gerard Majella, Maria Goretti, Nicholas of Myra, Katherine Drexel
Chile James the Greater
China Joseph
choirboys Dominic Savio, Gregory the Great
cholera Roch
Church Joseph
church janitors Theobald Roggeri
church musicians Cecelia
Cincinnati Robert Bellarmine-
civil servants Thomas More
circus people Julian the Hospitaller
clairvoyants Agabus
clerics Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel Francis Possenti, Thomas Beckett
clergy, Korean Andrew Kim Taegon
cloth dyers Lydia
cloth workers Homobonus
coffeehouse keepers Drogo
coin collectors Stephen the Younger
colicky babies Agapitus
colleges Contardo Ferrini
college students Contardo Ferrini, Thomas Aquinas
Cologne Ursula
Columbia Peter Claver
comedians Genesius of Rome, Vitus
communications personnel Bernadine of Siena
composers Cecelia, Jacopo di Todi
computers Isidore of Seville
computer technicians Isidore of Seville
confessors Alphonsus Ligori, John Maria Vianney, Raymond of Penaforte
conscientious objectors Irene, Marcellus
construction workers Thomas the Apostle
contemplative life John of the Cross, Mary Magdelene
converts Charles Lwanga, Edith Stein, (Terethia Bendicta), Flora, Helen, John Henry Neuman, Ludmilla, Margaret Clitherow, Vladimir
convulsive children John the Baptist, Scholastica
cooks Benedict the Black, Francis Caracciola, Honore of Amiens, Lawrence, Martha, Pascal Baylon, Corsica Devota
cosmetologists Mary Magdelene
cowherds Cornelius, Gummarus
councilmen Nicholas von Flue
courtroom clerks Cassian, Thomas More
cows Perpetua
Crete Titus
crusaders Louis IX
Cursillo movement Paul
customs agents Matthew
cutlers Lawrence, Lucy
Cyprus Bartholomew
Czech Republic Adalbert, Cyril and Methodius, John Nepomecene, Ludmilla, Vitus, Wenceslaus

dairy workers Bridget of Ireland
dancers Vitus-
deacons Stephen
deaf Drogo, Francis de Sales
death row inmates Dismas
death, happy Joseph, Ursula
death, sudden Andrew Avellino
death with the sacraments Barbara, Stanislaus Kostka
Denmark Anskar
dentists Appollonia
desperate causes/ situations Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Wonderworker, Jude Thaddeus, Philomena, Rita of Cascia
dieticians Martha
diplomats Archangel Gabriel
discretion John Nepomecene
divine intervention Margaret of Antioch
divorced couples Helen
dog lovers Hubert, Roche, Vitus
domestic help Martha, Zita-
domestic animals Antony Abbot, Cornelius, Felix of Nola, Gerlac of Valkenberg, Isidore the Farmer
Dominican Republic Dominic Guzman
doubters Thomas the Apostle
drowning victims Adjutor
Dublin Kevin
duchesses Hedwig, Ludmilla
dukes Henry
dysfunctional families Eugene de Mazenod

earthquakes Emygdius, Francis Borgia, Gregory the Wonderworker, Rose of Lima
ecologists Francis of Asissi, Kateri Tekawitha
ecumenists Cyril and Methodius, Josaphat
eczema sufferers Anthony the Great
editors Francis de Sales, John Bosco, John
Egypt Mark
embroiderers Clare, Rose of Lima
emigrants Frances Cabrini
empresses- Adelaide, Helen, Helena
endurance Panteleon
engaged couples Agatha, Valentine
engineers Ferdinand III
England Augustine of Canterbury, George
epidemics Godberta
epileptics Cornelius, Dymphna, John Chrysostom, Valentine, Vitus, Willibord
Ethiopia Frumentius
Eucharistic Congresses and societies Pascal Baylon
Europe Benedict of Nursia, Cyril and Methodius, Terethia Bendicta
expectant mothers Gerard Majella
exiles Adelaide, Clotilda, Elizabeth of Hungary, Kateri Tekawitha, Margaret of Antioch, Rose of Viterbo

fainting Valentine
falsely accused Dominic Guzman, Felix of Nola, Gerard Majella, Raymond Nonnatus, Roch
farmers George, John the Baptist, Phocas
farm wives Maria de Cabeza
farriers Dunstan, Eligius, Isidore the Farmer, John the Baptist
fathers of families Joseph
female soldiers Genevieve, Joan of Arc-
female theologians Macrina the Younger
ferrymen Julian the Hospitaller
fevers Albert of Trapani, Antonius of Florence, Theobald Roggeri
fieldworkers Notburga-
Finland Henry of Uppsala
fire prevention Barbara, Catherine of Siena
firefighters Florian, John of God
First Communicants Pius X, Tarsicius
fishermen Andrew the Apostle, Peter, Zeno of Verona
fishmongers Magnus
flight attendants Bona, Joseph of Cupertino
flight crews Joseph of Cupertino
floods Gregory the Wonderworker, Florian
florists Dorthea, Rose of Viterbo, Teresa of Liseux
flour industry workers Arnulf
food service workers Pascal Baylon, Zita
foreign missions Francis Xavier, Teresa of Liseux
former slaves Peter Claver
foresters John Gualbert
forgotten people Jane Frances de Chantal
foster parents Joseph
foundations Anthony Claret
founders Barbara
France Dionysius/Denis, Joan of Arc, Teresa of Liseux
friendship Gregory of Nyssa, John
freezing victims Sebald, Valerian
funeral directors Dismas, Joseph of Armithea

garage workers Eligius/Eloi
gardeners Dorthea, Fiacre, Gertrude of Nivelles, John the Gardener, Phocas, Rose of Lima
geese Martin of Tours
Germany Anskar, Boniface, Archangel Michael, Swithbert
girl scouts Agnes of Rome
glassworkers Luke
glaziers Lawrence
Gibraltar Bernard of Clairvaux
good crops/harvest Ansovinus, Walburga
good weather Agricola of Avignon
gout victims Gregory the Great, Maurus, Maurice
governors Ferdinand III
grandmothers Anne, Anna
grandfathers Joachim
gravediggers Anthony the Great/Abbot
Greece Andrew the Apostle, Nicholas of Myra
grocers Archangel Michael
grooms Louis IX
Guatemala James the Greater

hairdressers Martin de Porres, Mary Magdelene
half- way houses Dismas
hand bell choirs Agatha
hangovers Bibliana
happy death Joseph
harvests, corn Medard
headache/migraine sufferers Avertinus, Denis, Hildegard of Bingen Teresa de Jesus, (Avila)
healers Bridget of Sweden, Hildegard of Bingen
health inspectors Archangel Raphael
health workers Martin de Porres
heart attack victims Teresa de Jesus, (Avila)
heart patients John of God
hermits Anthony the Great/Abbot, Giles
hernia sufferers Conrad, Drogo, Edmund
herpetologists Patrick
Holland Willibord
Holy Trinity Didacus of Cadiz
homeless Benedict Joseph Labre, Margaret of Cortona
homely people Drogo
hopeless situations Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Wonderworker, Jude Thaddeus, Philomena Rita of Cascia
horned cattle Colman
horse riders Martin of Tours
horses Giles, Hippolytus
hospital administrators Basil the Great of Caesarea, Frances Cabrini, Jude Thaddeus
hospitality Gertrude of Nivelles
hospitals Camillus de Lellis, John of God, Jude Thaddeus, Vincent de Paul
hotel staff Julian the Hospitaller
housekeepers Martha, Zita
housewives Anne, Anna, Monica
Hungary Stephen of Hungary
hunters Eustace, Eustachius, Hubert

Iceland-Thorac Thorhallson
ice skaters Lidwina
illegitimate children John Francis Regis
immigrants Frances Cabrini
impoverished persons Alexius, Anthony of Padua, Bernadette, Julia Billiart, Lawrence, Macrina the Elder, Martin of Tours, Teresa of Calcutta, India Eustace/ Hubert, Thomas the Apostle
indigenous peoples Anthony of Padua, Juan Diego, Kateri Tekawitha, Turibus of Mogroveio
infantrymen Maurice
infants Nicholas of Torentino, Phillip of Zell, Zeno
infertility Henry, Rita of Cascia
infidelity Fabioloa, Gengulphus, Monica
infirmarians Camillus de Lellis-
innkeepers Amanda, Julian the Hospitaller, Martin of Tours
instrument makers Cecelia
internet Isidore of Seville
interracial justice Martin de Porres, Peter Claver
invalids Roch
Ireland Bridget of Ireland, Columban, Kevin, Patrick
Istanbul John Chrysostom
Italy Francis of Assisi, Catherine of Siena

Japan Francis Xavier, Peter Baptist
janitors Theobald Roggeri
jaundice victims Albert of Trapani
jewelers Eligius/Eloi
job hunters Cajetan
journalists Francis de Sales
jurists Catherine of Alexandria, Ivo Kermartin, John of Capistrano
juvenile delinquents Dominic Savio

kidnap victims Athelius, Dagobert, William of Norwich
kidney disease Albinus, Margaret of Antioch
kings Edward the Confessor, Henry, Louis IX, Olaf II, Vladamir
knife-sharpeners Maurice
knights Gengulphus, William of Gellone
Korea Joseph
Korean clergy Andrew Kim Taegon

laborers Isidore the Farmer, James the Greater, John Bosco
lace makers John Francis Regis, Luke
laundresses Veronica, Hunna
law schools Raymond of Penaforte
lawsuits Agia
lawyers Genesius of Rome, Ivo Kermartin, Thomas More
learning Ambrose, Catherine of Alexandria
leather makers Crispin and Crispinian
lectors Pollio, Sabas
lecturers John Chrysostom, Justin Martyr
lepers Giles, Vincent de Paul
liberal arts Catherine of Bologna
librarians Catherine of Alexandria, Jerome, Lawrence
lighthouse keepers Venerius
linguists Gotteschalc
Lisbon Vincent of Saragossa
Lithuania Casimir, John Cantius
liturgists Joseph Mary Tomasi
locksmiths Dunstan
longevity Peter
lost articles Anthony of Padua, Arnulf of Soissons, Vincent de Paul
lost keys Zita-
lost souls Nicholas of Torentino
lost vocations Gotteschalc
lovers Archangel Raphael, Valentine
lung/respiratory problems Bernadine of Siena

Madagascar Vincent de Paul
Madrid Isidore the Farmer
magicians John Bosco
magistrates Ferdinand III
maids Zita
Malta Paul
marital problems Elizabeth of Portugal, Hedwig, Pharadilis, Rita of Cascia
marriage John Francis Regis
married women Monica
martyrs Agatha, Alodia, Barbara, Cecelia, Dymphna, Felicity, Flora, Joan of Arc, Lucy, Margaret Clitherow,
Margaret of Antioch, Maria Goretti, Susanna, Stanislaus Kostka, Winifried
medical record librarians Raymond of Penaforte-
medical social workers John Francis Regis
medical technicians Albert the Great
Mediterranean Church Ignatius of Antioch
mental disabilities Christina the Astonishing, Dymphna, Edmund, Fillian, Gertrude of Nivelles, Osmund
mentally ill Christina the Astonishing, Dymphna, Romanus
merchants Francis of Assisi, Nicholas of Myra
messengers Archangel Gabriel
metal workers Dunstan
midwives Margaret of Cortona, Raymond Nonnatus
migraine sufferers Avertinus, Dionysius/Denis, Teresa de Jesus, (Avila)
migrant workers Frances Cabrini
military chaplains John of Capistrano, Martin of Tours
military women Genevieve
millers Arnulf, Victor of Marseilles
miners Barbara
minority children Katherine Drexel
Miraculous Medal Catherine of Laboure
miscarriages Bridget of Sweden, Dorothy of Montau
missions, foreign Francis Xavier, Teresa of Liseux
missions, parish Benedict the Black, Leonard of Port Maurice
Mobile Iranaeus
Monaco Devota
monks Benedict of Nursia, John Cassian
Moravia Cyril and Methodius
moral theologians Alphonsus Ligori
Moscow Boris
mothers Elizabeth, Monica
motorists Christopher, Frances of Rome
mountaineers Bernard of Montijoux
murderers Julian the Hospitaller, Vladimir
musical instrument makers Cecelia
musicians Arnulf of Soissons, Cecelia, Dunstan, Gregory the Great, Hildegard of Bingen, Notkar Balbulus, Odo
mute Drogo
mystics John of the Cross

Naples Januarius
naval officers Francis de Paola
nearsightedness Clarus
nervous disorders Bartholomew
Netherlands Willibord
Nicaragua James the Greater
Nigeria Patrick
notaries Ivo of Kermartin, Luke, Mark
North Africa Ignatius of Antioch
Norway Olaf II
nuns Bridget of Ireland, Gertrude the Great, Scholastica
nurses Agatha, Camillus de Lellis, John of God, Margaret of Antioch, Archangel Raphael
Nuremberg Sebald
nursing homes Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth of Hungary
nursing mothers Balissa, Concordia, Giles, Perpetua

oaths Pancras
obstetricians Raymond Nonnatus
Oceania Peter Chanel
opposition from church authorities Joan of Arc, Rose Philippine Duchesne
orators Catherine of Alexandria, John Chrysotom, Philip Neri
organists Cecelia
orphans Angela Merici, Gemma Galgani, Ivo Kermartin, Jerome Emiliani, John Francis Regis,
Kateri Tekawitha, Philomena, Terethia Bendicta, Teresa de Jesus
oversleeping Vitus

pacifists Irene, Marcellus
painters Fra Angelico, Luke
Pakistan Thomas
pallbearers Joseph of Armithea
papacy Gregory the Great, Peter
papal delegates John XXIII
paralyzed Edmund, Osmund, Wolfgang-
paramedics Archangel Michael
paratroopers Archangel Michael
parenthood- Adelaide, Clotilda (Chloe), Ferdinand III, Louis IX, Rita of Cascia
parents separated from children
parish volunteers Marian and James
Paris Genevieve
parish missions Benedict the Black
parish priests John Maria Vianney
park rangers John Gualbert
parochial schools Elizabeth Bayley Seton
pastry chefs Honore/Honorotus of Amiens
pawnbrokers Bernardino of Feltre, James of the Marche, Nicholas of Myra,
pavement workers Vincent Ferrar
peacemakers Irene
pencil-makers Thomas Aquinas
penitents Mary Magdelene
perfumers Mary Magdelene
Peru Joseph, Turibus of Mogroveio
pharmacists Cosmos and Damian, Gemma Galgani, James the Greater
philosophers Catherine of Alexandria, Justin Martyr
photographers Veronica
physically disabled Angela Merici, Giles, Henry
physicians Cosmos and Damian, Luke, Panteleon, Archangel Raphael
pilgrims Bona, Gertrude of Nivelles, James the Greater, John Cassian
pilots Joseph of Cupertino
plague victims Agricola of Avignon, Francis Xavier, Genevieve, Gregory the Great, Roch, Sebastian, Walburga
plumbers Vincent Ferrar
poetry Gregory of Nazianus
poets Caedmon, Cecelia, Columban
Poland Adalbert of Magdeburg/Prague, Andrew Bobola, Casimir, Hyacinth, John Cantius
police officers Archangel Michael
polio victims Margaret Mary Alacoque
politicians Thomas More
political prisoners Maximillian Kolbe
prisoners Francisco and Jacinto Marto, Joan of Arc, Joseph Cafasso -
poor Alexius, Alexis, Anthony of Padua, Lawrence, Martin of Tours, Teresa of Calcutta
popes Gertrude the Great, Gregory the Great, Peter
porters Christopher
Portugal Anthony of Padua, Francis Borgia
posadas Pedro de San Jose Bentacur
postal workers Archangel Gabriel
potters Justa and Rufina
poultry farmers Bridget of Ireland
Prague Vitus
preachers Catherine of Alexandria, John Chrysotom, Paul
pregnant women Elizabeth, Gerard Majella, Margaret of Antioch, Raymond Nonnatus
press Edmund Campion
priests John Maria Vianney
princes Boris, Casimir, Gotteschalc
princesses Adelaide
printers Augustine of Hippo, Genesius of Rome, John of God,
prisoners Barbara, Dismas, Ferdinand, Medard, Vincent de Paul, Walter of Pontnoise
prisoners of war Leonard
prison guards Adrian of Nicomedia, Hippolytus
prisons Joseph Cafasso
professors Alphonsus Ligori
psychics Agabus
Prussia Adalbert of Magdeburg/Prague, Dorothy of Montau
public education Martin de Porres
public health education Martin de Porres
public relations Bernadine of Siena, Paul
public speakers Catherine of Alexandria, John Chrysotom, Philip Neri
publishers John the Evangelist, Thomas Aquinas
queens Clotilda, Hedwig

rabies victims Hubert, Walburga
race relations Martin de Porres, Peter Claver
radio workers Archangel Gabriel
radiologists Archangel Michael
rain Agricola of Avignon, Isidore the Farmer, Swithin
rape victims Agatha, Maria Goretti, Joan of Arc-
recently dead Gerturde of Nivelles
reconciliation Joseph of Leonissa, Raymond of Penaforte
recovering alcoholics John of God, Matthew Talbot, Monica
recovering drug addicts Maximillian Kolbe
refugees Alban
religious art John of Damascus
religious orders Benedict Joseph Labre
religious retreats Ignatius of Loyola
respiratory/lung problems Bernadine of Siena
restaurateurs Lawrence
rheumatism sufferers James the Greater, Servatius
ridiculed for piety Bernadette, Francis of Rome, Francisco and Jacinto Marto, Joan of Arc, Kateri Tekawitha, Margaret of Cortona, Teresa de Jesus, Zita
robbery victims Leonard
Rochester John Fisher
romantic tales William of Gellone
Rome Philip Neri
rosary Dominic Guzman
rulers Ferdinand III
runaways Alodia, Dymphna
Russia Andrew the Apostle, Basil the Great, Boris, Nicholas of Myra, Therese of Liseux, Vladimir

Sacred Heart Claude de Columbiere, Madeleine Sophie de Barat, Margaret Mary Alacoque
sacred poetry Gregory of Nazianus
saddlers Crispin and Crispinian
sailors Brendan the Navigator, Cuthbert, Elmo/Erasmus, Francis de Paola, Michael Nicholas of Myra, Nicholas of Torentino, St. Louis IX-
sawyers Simon the Apostle
Scandinavia Ansgar
scholars Bede, Bridget of Ireland, Thomas Aquinas
schoolgirls Ursula
school principals John Baptiste de la Salle
school teachers John Baptiste de la Salle
schools Thomas Aquinas
scientists Albert the Great, Dominic Guzman
Scotland Andrew the Apostle, Margaret
sculptors Four Crowned Martyrs
seafood Corentin
second marriages Adelaide
secretaries Genesius of Rome
security guards Matthew
seminarians Charles Borromeo, Lawrence
Seville Justa and Rufina
shepherdesses Bernadette, Regina
shepherds Cuthbert, Drogo, Pascal Baylon
shoemakers Crispin and Crispinian
sick animals Beuno
sick children Beuno
sick people Angela Merici, Bernadette, Camillus de Lelli, Francisco and Jacinto Marto, John of God, Julia, Billiart, Julian of Nicomedia, Archangel Michael, Peregrine Laziosi
silence John Nepomecene
Silesia Hedwig
singers Cecelia, Gregory the Great
single mothers Margaret of Cortona
single women Catherine of Alexandria, Catherine of Siena, Emilie (y) de Radat
skaters Lidwina
skiers Bernard of Montijoux
slavery victims Peter Claver
sleep disorders Seven Sleepers
sleep walkers Dymphna
skin diseases Peregrine Laziosi
snake bite victims Hilary, Pirimus, Vitus
snakes Patrick
social justice Joseph, Martin de Porres
social workers John Francis Regis, Louise de Marillac
soldiers George, Ignatius Loyola, Joan of Arc, Sebastian
song writers Caedmon
South America Rose of Lima
Spain James the Greater, Teresa de Jesus
spas John the Baptist
speleologists Benedict of Nursia
spinners Catherine of Alexandria
spiritual directors Joseph Cafasso
spousal separation Edward the Confessor, Gengulphus, Gummarus, Nicholas von Flue
stammerers Notkar Balbulus
stamp collectors Archangel Gabriel
steel workers Eligius/Eloi
stenographers Cassian, Genesius of Rome
step-parents Adelaide, Thomas More
stomach disorders Elmo, Timothy
stonemasons Barbara, Clement, Gregory the Great, Reinhold, Stephen
stormy weather Agrippina
storms Scholastica
stress related jobs Walter of Pontnoise
students Catherine of Alexandria, Contardo Ferrini, Joseph of Cupertino
successful enterprises Servatius
Sudan Josephine Bakhita
sudden death Andrew Avellino
surgeons Cosmos and Damian, Luke
surveyors Thomas
Sweden Anskar, Bridget of Sweden
Switzerland Notburga
swimmers Adjutor
sword smiths Maurice
Syria Barbara

tailors Boniface, Homobonus, Martin of Tours
tanners Crispin and Crispinian
tax collectors Matthew
taxi drivers Fiacre, Francis of Rome
teachers Gregory the Great, John Baptiste de la Salle, Ursula
teenagers Aloysius Gonzaga, Mark, Maria Goretti
telecommunication workers Archangel Gabriel
television Clare/ Claire, Archangel Gabriel
television workers Archangel Gabriel
tentmakers Paul
test takers Joseph of Cupertino
tertiaries Elizabeth of Hungary, Elizabeth of Portugal, Luchesio and Buonadonna, Margaret of Cortona
theologians Alphonsus Ligori, Augustine of Hippo, Catherine of Alexandria, John, Macrina, Thomas Aquinas
therapists Christina the Astonishing
thieves Dismas
throat disease Blaise, Ignatius of Antioch, Swithbert
toddlers Vaast
toothache sufferers Appollonia, Drogo, Medard
torture victims Alban, Charles Lwanga, Eustachius, Genesius of Rome, Regina, Sabas, Victor of Marseilles, Vincent of Saragossa
toymakers Claude de Columbiere
transients Benedict Joseph Labre
trappers Bartholomew
translators Gotteschalc, Jerome
travelers Anthony of Padua, Bona, Brendan the Navigator, Christopher, Gertrude the Great, Nicholas of Myra, Raphael Archangel
treaties Pancras
troubled marriages Edward the Confessor, Hedwig, Helen, Olaf II, Pharadilis
truck drivers Christopher
tuberculosis victims Gemma Galani, Panteleon, Teresa of Liseux

Ukraine Josaphat
undertakers Dismas, Joseph of Armithea
unemployed Cajetan
unhappily married men Gummarus
unhappily married women Rita of Cascia, Wilgefortis
US National Rural Life Conference Isidore the Farmer
US Special Forces Philip Neri
universal church Joseph, Peter
universities Contardo Ferrini, Thomas Aquinas

vegetarians Francis de Paola
venereal diseases Fiacre
Venice Mark
Verona Zeno of Verona
veterinarians Blaise
Vicenza Vincent of Saragossa
victims of betrayals Flora
victims of tuberculosis Gemma Galgani Panteleon
visionaries Hildegard of Bingen, Francisco and Jacinto Marto, Malachy, Mary Magdelene de Pazzi
Visitation order Jane Frances de Chantal
vocations Alphonsus Ligori
volunteers Marian and James, Vincent de Paul

wait persons Martha, Notburga, Zita
Wales David
washerwomen Hunna
watchmen Peter of Alacantara
weavers Maurice, Paul the Hermit
wells Winifried
West Indies Gertrude
whales Brendan the Navigator
widowers Edgar, Thomas More
widows Clotilda (Chloe), Fabioloa, Francis of Rome, Jane Frances de Chantal, Ludmilla, Macrina the Elder, Paula
wild animals Blaise
winemakers Medard, Vincent of Saragossa
wineries Morand, Vincent of Saragossa
wine merchants Amand, Walter of Pontnoise
World Youth Day Terethia Benedicta, Ursula
women in labor Anne, Anna, Leonard
woodcarvers Olaf II
woodsmen Giles, Wolfgang
workers Adolph Kolping, Joseph
working women Bibliana, Flora, Margaret Clitherow
writers Francis de Sales, Lucy

yachtsmen Adjutor
young girls Agnes, Catherine of Alexandria, Irene, Maria Goretti, Ursula
youth Aloysius Gonzaga, John Berchmans, Gabriel Possenti

zoos Francis of Assisi

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